It is often possible to undertake a reorganisation without significant tax exposure. However, it can be complex with regard to the tax reliefs available and the stages needed to reorganise. Careful planning and professional advice will be needed to achieve your goals.
Here at Barnes Roffe we have worked with companies across a wide range of sectors to understand the stakeholders’ goals and the business’ needs, then carefully assess and develop bespoke solutions for each circumstance. Over the years, we have helped our clients reorganise their structure whether it is straight simplification, splitting of business and assets, de-grouping or consolidation to achieve a wide variety of objectives.
We will work with you to understand exactly what you want to achieve and will ensure that we get the desired outcome for you. We will advise and support you through the process of planning and implementation including seeking HMRC clearances.
We can advise on all forms of company reorganisation to achieve your objectives. Contact us today.